On Enlightenment

Posts on Readings of the Meaning of “Enlightenment” and “Enlightenment reason:”

  1. An off-print of an article published in the Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, No. 147 (November 2013):  51-73 in pdf format:

What is Enlightenment? A Response to Balcomb’s Call for the Retrieval of ‘Participation’

2. A paper in response to Foucault:

“Enlightenment: Reflections on Michel Foucault’s ‘Was ist Aufklärung?'”[1]

At least since the French „Encyclopedists,” the notion of enlightenment has been associated with knowledge of the correct facts.  As a consequence, even Kant’s famous aphorism for labelling enlightenment, Sapere Aude! (Dare to know for oneself!), has been frequently taken to mean:  assume responsibility for your own knowledge of the facts (i.e., don’t trust authorities to be providing you with the true facts)!

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