Off-Print of “Freedom on This and the Other Side of Kant” from Proceedings of the XIIth International Kant Congress in Vienna, Austria (September 2015) – Updated August 2019

Updated August 2019

This abridged version of the paper “Freedom on This and the Other Side of Kant” was presented at the XIIth International Kant Congress in Vienna, Austria, September 21-25, 2015. This abridged version is published in Natur und Freiheit, Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, hrsg. v. Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing und David Wagner (Berlin/Boston, 2018: 1959-1966 – Proceedings of the 12th International Kant Society Meeting at the University of Vienna, Austria (September 21-25, 2015

The unabridged version is available under “Categories: Freedom on This and the Other Side of Kant at

Pdf version of the Off-Print:

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