Eleven Audiences for David Friedrich Strauß: A Reading of His Gospel Criticism and Metaphysics

“Eleven Audiences for David Friedrich Strauß: A Reading of His Gospel Criticism and Metaphysics” © 2024 by Douglas R McGaughey is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Eleven Audiences for David Friedrich Strauß:
A Reading of His Gospel Criticism and Metaphysics

In addition to the information of the Historical Reader addressing September 5/6, 1839, and Strauß’ identification of what he took to be the ‘historical’ elements in the gospels (Appendix I), the listing of the 50+ examples of ‘First’ Testament prototypes that can be identified as inspiring the gospel authors’ narratives (Appendix II), examples of the reading of Church History in itself is its criticism without requiring an ‘external’ philosophy (Appendix III), and sample reflective poems from Strauß (Appendix IV):

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